
Modern contraceptive methods at a glance

Discover the variety of modern methods of contraception and find your solution.

Modern contraceptive methods at a glance

MedWatcher Quick Facts

  • There are many new methods in the field of hormonal and natural contraception
  • Modern contraception is safer than ever before
  • The right method depends heavily on your personal preferences

Hormonal contraceptive methods

Hormonal contraceptive methods, such as the pill or the NuvaRing, are very reliable when used correctly. They influence the hormonal balance and thus prevent ovulation. They can also have a positive effect on your well-being and the regularity of your menstrual cycle. As with all medicines, there are possible side effects and risks that should be discussed with a doctor. This should be done well, as hormonal contraceptives are only available on prescription.

Barrier methods for contraception

Barrier methods such as the use of condoms or diaphragms not only protect against unwanted pregnancies, but also against sexually transmitted diseases. They are hormone-free and offer a good alternative for people who do not want to use hormonal contraception. Correct use is crucial for their effectiveness.

Natural family planning

Natural family planning requires a good understanding of your own cycle. The fertile phase can be determined by observing body signals and using cycle apps. However, this method requires a high level of discipline on the part of the couple and is less reliable than hormonal or barrier contraceptive methods.

Long-term contraceptive methods

Long-term contraceptive methods such as the IUD or the hormonal coil offer protection against pregnancy over a longer period of time. They are practical and particularly reliable, but here too, possible side effects and the need for a doctor to insert and remove the IUD should be considered.

Choosing the right contraceptive method is a very personal decision that depends on many factors. It is important to be well informed and choose a method that suits your lifestyle and future plans.

Note: This article is for informational purposes only. If you have any health concerns or questions about this topic, you should always consult your doctor or pharmacist.

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