Question real experts

Ask your health questions to medical experts online: Individually. Personally.

Ask your health questions to medical experts online: Individually. Personally.
How does it work?

Ask your personal question to medical experts.

Open a chat with real experts in MedWatcher

Open chat

Open the digital chat function to ask your question conveniently.

Ask questions to real experts in MedWatcher

Ask a question

Whether it's about medication, interactions or side effects, ask whatever interests you.

Get answers from real experts in MedWatcher

Answer received

Get a personalized answer to your question quickly from medical experts.

Your health. Your question.
Your advantage

Your health.
Your question.

Everyone has searched for their symptoms on Google, but how often has that led to more uncertainty than clarity? With MedWatcher's Expert Questions feature, you'll get answers from real medical experts that address your specific needs. No general facts to confuse you. Real, well-founded and personal answers that really help you.

Ask experts

Reliable answers from real experts.

Reliable answers from real experts.

Why should I ask experts?

Anyone can share their opinion with you online. But not everyone has the know-how to give you reliable and safe answers. Don't leave your health to chance: trust medical experts.

Personal answers to your questions

Large pool of experts


MedWatcher's many features such as an expert questions, medications, health library and secure health information

Your health matters.
MedWatcher helps you to improve it.

Improving your health has never been easier. Get your digital health companion and understand how you can improve your course of treatment.

Ask experts


What can I use the expert question function for?

You can ask all your unanswered health questions directly online to medical experts in Germany. This should provide you with safe and trustworthy answers if Dr. Google or Facebook have once again created more confusion.

How long will it take before I receive an answer?

Once you have submitted your question via the chat function, you will receive an answer from a medical expert directly to your e-mail address within 30 minutes. On weekends and public holidays, the response time is significantly longer.

Who will answer my questions?

Your questions will be answered by a large pool of pharmacists. Depending on the specialist area and question, a suitable expert will contact you.

Is the option to ask experts free of charge?

Yes, like all functions in MedWatcher, your question to our experts and their answer is completely free of charge.

How does the function differ from a normal Google search?

Unlike search engines, which often provide a flood of information, our Expert Q&A feature provides personalized, in-depth answers from real medical experts tailored to your specific needs and questions.

Do you have any more questions?

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